Putting creativity at the heart of education

We have been working with schools for over 25 years; we have experience of responding to the evolving needs of the educational sector, and a strong understanding of pupils’ needs.

Using creative engagement as a hook, we are able to deliver a number of programmes and activities that enhance learning, reduce exclusion, improve behaviours, increase attendance and support attainment within literacy and numeracy for targeted groups of children and young people.

Our School Services Image

Our School Services

Work with us

Our school-based services brochure provides a full menu of programmes and support packages we deliver, from primary through to secondary.

We respond to the needs of your school Image

We respond to the needs of your school

Our work sits across a range of frameworks

We are a Scottish Qualifications Authority – SQA accredited provider and deliver a wide range of accredited learning tailored to suit people’s needs at a range of stages in their education and to fit with their interests and future life plans. As well as SQAs, we deliver Arts Awards, Hi5 & Dynamic Youth Awards.

We are equipped with the skills & experience to report against GIRFEC and we use a Children’s Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment when designing and developing our work.

We are proud to be part of a number of council’s educational frameworks and align our delivery to the Scottish Attainment Challenge and Pupil Equity fund – both of which make delivery possible.

In Glasgow, we are the only provider of Art Therapy to be endorsed and supported by the City Council’s Counselling in Educational Establishments tender.

We respond to the needs of your learners Image

We respond to the needs of your learners

We provide trauma responsive services

There is a huge variety in the work we provide within educational establishments, but common to all is a desire to work in partnership with teachers to ensure all pupils can achieve their very best – we do this by:

  • ensuring our staff team receive appropriate training to ensure they support children and young people in the best possible way
  • providing comprehensive safeguarding support across all of our services and regular staff supervision
  • providing art therapy to support children to overcome Adverse Childhood Experiences and adjust to life transitions
  • providing creative learning opportunities to explore the United Nation Convention on the Rights of the Child
  • delivering creative workshops that support learners to explore ‘challenging’ topics
  • offering alternative curriculums and providing non-traditional, creative routes to qualifications


Velcro Poetry Image

Velcro Poetry

Case Study

In partnership with North Ayrshire Council, and thanks to support and funding from Creative Scotland and Education Scotland, Impact Arts worked across 8 of the local authorities Primary Schools, and 3 of the High Schools to enhance the learning and Creative Experiences enjoyed through the Velcro Poetry Project.

In Stage 1 of the project pupils were engage by local poets, Rab Wilson and Simon Lamb who supported the to write poetry that explore themes of online bulling and positive mental health. Following this, Impact Arts went into the schools and equipped pupils with the skills and confidence to create artwork inspired by their poems and that supported them to express their feelings through creativity. Techniques such as lino printing, collage, heat printing and clay modelling were used. Pupils also took part in sound workshops, where their poems were performed and recorded against their own soundscapes.

“Poetry has expanded my mind! I thought it had to be rhyme. It is fresh feelings”

– Velcro Poetry participant

Speak to Us

Got any questions about education & attainment?

We would love to hear from you. To speak to a member of the Impact Arts Development Team, please contact [email protected].