Criminal Justice

Delivered within HMYOI Polmont, talented musicians, songwriters and artists work with young people as part of their onward progression. The therapeutic experience of learning how to play the guitar, write and record songs, and all aspects of DJ-ing helps participants to gain a sense of purpose, have a voice, reconnect with families and start to think more positively about future life choices.

Positive future choices shaped by creativity Image

Positive future choices shaped by creativity

Impact Arts worked with Scottish Prison Service to create a dedicated Performance Learning Space within HMYOI Polmont and now COCO provides some of Scotland’s most disadvantaged young people opportunities to learn new skills, enabling them to access to song-writing and instrument tuition, band performance facilities as well as opportunities to learn how to MC and DJ. The overall aim of the project is to improve the life chances and progression for each young offender, supporting them to develop new practical skills and explore career opportunities in music-making and creative industries.

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