We are committed to developing the Creative Engagement sector.

We want to ensure that every Scottish community can benefit from the power of creativity.

Each year Impact Arts employs and trains up to 100 artists across a wide range of creative practices.

We know that within some areas whilst there is a huge desire to work with creatives as part of a community development or regeneration strategy there is not always a local workforce that can respond to this opportunity.

We know too, that there is a wealth of artistic talent, yet many artists & creatives are under or unemployed.

Through our Artists’ Mentoring Programme we match these needs to ensure that local artists are equipped with the skills, knowledge and contacts to play a vital part of local community and regeneration strategies, as well as diversify their income base.

  • Supporting Communities Image

    Supporting Communities

  • Changing Lives Image

    Changing Lives

  • Developing Skills Image

    Developing Skills

Artist Development Projects

Speak to Us

Got any questions about artist development?

If you would like to find out more about how we can work with you to help develop artist’s skills then we would love to hear from you.

To speak to a member of the Impact Arts Development Team, please contact [email protected].