We’re Crowdfunding for The Young Gallery from 14.10.13!

Wed 09th October 2013

Visit the site and pledge here!


We are pleased to announce that people can now lend their social support and online influence by joining our Thunderclap campaign. Thunderclap is a platform through which a message can be promoted through social media utilising crowdsourcing. Instead of asking people to pledge their support financially, the service lets individuals “donate” the use of their social media channels in order to blast one message from multiple sources at the same time, hopefully creating a ripple effect of awareness. Our Thunderclap page for The Young Gallery crowdfund can be found here.

Thunderclap explained! here: https://www.thunderclap.it/faq


The Young Gallery, Scotland’s first gallery dedicated to showcasing children’s creativity is crowdfunding. The campaign and video will go live on Indigogo on the 14th of October (We’ll post the link here on Monday at 9am). The Young Gallery needs to raise £15,000 in 6 weeks, to work with 300 children in the East End of Glasgow.

The money raised will cover the cost of giving 300 local children a quality arts experience that will have a positive impact beyond their workshop experience. Many of the children will never have set foot inside a gallery before.

The Young Gallery has been open for the last 18 months and in that time Impact Arts’ tutor Liz Shepherd has worked with 376 children living in an area undergoing wide scale regeneration. The Young Gallery has hosted 17 inspiring exhibitions that have given around 1500 local people an inclusive experience of the arts in a community setting. The £15,000 raised through Indigogo will enable The Young Gallery to celebrate the imagination of even more children.

Liz said: “It’s incredible what giving children an artistic experience can do, helping to improve their communication, language, reasoning, numeracy, knowledge and understanding, physical development and imagination.”

“The majority of children we work with are from an area currently undergoing regeneration and many will never have had an all important cultural experience that can contribute to their development in the way that being involved in art creating art and visiting a gallery can.”

Lynne Carr, Chief Executive of Impact Arts said:

“The Young Gallery provides a unique experience to local children and the wider community. Raising £15,000 will not only help us to work with even more children but it will also help support us to develop the project further afield. All eyes will be on Glasgow in 2014 and The Young Gallery is a Legacy 2014 project. We want to show the world that we are leading the way in providing creative and cultural experiences for hard to reach groups and that art really can change lives!”

Impact Arts’ Crowdfunding campaign will be live from 14.10.13- 22.11.13. Rewards include original art postcards, limited edition prints of children’s artwork, an invitation to an exclusive exhibition in 2014 signed by a very special artist (revealed on 21.10.13!) and many more.



Crowdfunding enables organisations with an idea to ask the general public for the funding they need to set up or expand. The organisation sets a target for the money it wants to raise and explains how it will use the cash. People can then make pledges for small amounts of money in return for a reward.

Please visit indiegogo.com/projects/the-young-gallery to support The Young Gallery campaign. For more information please contact [email protected] or 0141 575 3001.

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