Week 2 of CashBack to the Future: Sticking Together

Wed 10th July 2019

In CashBack to the Future no day is the same as the day before. However, something that has been common to all teams during this week has been group work, and linked to that, the increase of their communication and social skills. This has been demonstrated through young people forming a musical band, constructing a costume or discussing the social rules and diversity of fashion and body image, our young people have collaboratively worked to learn new skills and new perspectives.

Daniel (19), a participant in the Music group of Glasgow is aware of the importance of being open to other people’s ideas and to express yourself and has stated that ‘this is a safe place where I can build confidence in group work”. Azhir, from the Visual Arts group has highlighted how welcoming and friendly the tutors are, which is crucial to create trust and spaces where learning can happen.


A liking for black and white drawing was enough to drive Azhir to enrol in CashBacktotheFuture. One of his highlights so far are the friendly tutors.

At the same time our young people have continued developing their artistic skills in their individual projects. We could see in our Instagram stories (@impactarts) how Alesia learned the screen printing technique, Daniel practiced playing some songs with the guitar and Callum drew an imaginary mythological character.

The groups have continued this week visiting the Wild and Majestic exhibition at the National Museum of Scotland. Being inspired by Highland landscapes, heroic histories, tartan, bagpipes and other defining images of Scotland, the young people have include these historical discoveries in their artwork. For instance, the Art group in Edinburgh has looked at the tartans from paintings and costumes to apply their colours to their weaving projects, whereas the music group has looked for objects and Scottish old words to write the lyrics of songs. In their visit to the museum, some of the East Ayrshire group got to hold a replica Jacobite shield!


The Renfrewshire CashBack to the Future group arriving at the National Museum of Scotland to visit the Wild and Majestic exhibition.

One of our participants holding a replica Jacobite shield at the National Museum of Scotland.

Val, one of the Art tutors in Edinburgh has highlighted the benefits that arts have on young people, indicating that this programme “makes them realise they are capable and have creativity”.



Want a bit more information about the Cashback to the Future? Download our new Brochure for 2019!

If you have any questions, please contact Impact Arts on 0141 575 3001 or email [email protected].

Cashback to the Future is funded by the Scottish Government’s CashBack for Communities initiative, which backs projects supporting disadvantaged young people.

CashBack to the Future is supported by National Museums Scotland through funding from National Lottery Heritage Fund’s Kick the Dust programme.

In North Ayrshire, CashBack to the Future is supported by National Lottery Heritage Fund’s Young Roots Fund.

A special thanks to our community partners, Glasgow Kelvin College, National Museum of Scotland, Ayrshire College, and Tannahill Centre.

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