The Young Gallery

Wed 20th June 2012

Impact Arts are excited to announce that The Young Gallery is open for business!

The Young Gallery is Scotland’s first gallery dedicated to showcasing the art work of young people aged 3-18 years old. The gallery is a dedicated space where young people, and their family and friends, can celebrate their artistic achievements.

The Young Gallery runs an ongoing programme of theme-based visual workshops for young people aged 3 – 18 years old, within schools and community groups. Young people will work with experienced artists over an eight week period, creating art work which will then form an exhibition in our dedicated space.

The Young Gallery’s Aims Are:

1. To increase the aspirations of young people

2. To increase the self-esteem and wellbeing of young people in areas of multiple deprivation

3. To contribute to the ongoing regeneration of the East End of Glasgow leading up to the 2014 Commonwealth Games by providing a new, innovative space

4. To strengthen family and community bonds through recognition of young people’s achievements by engagement in exhibitions and events held at The Young Gallery

5. To increase participants’ ability to access to other galleries and wider arts venues

The Gallery is based at 112 Sword Street, in Glasgow’s East End, an area that is undergoing wide-scale regeneration ahead of the Common Wealth Games 2014.

Contact 0141 4753001 to find out more information about the Young Gallery.

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