Founding Director of Impact Arts, Susan Aktemel, has won the Social Business Leader UK and World Category at the Ogunte Social Leadership Awards 2012.
Susan said: ‘I’m am chuffed to have won the award and so thankful to everyone who voted for me.
I dedicated the award to all the lovely girls who work at impact arts and who volunteer on the board ( sorry guys!) & also to Martha Payne, an inspirational little lady snapping at my heels.
I was completely overwhelmed to read the comments of those of you who voted for me. Thank you. This is very special and a piece of paper I won’t lose in a hurry!’
Servane Mouazan, founder and director at Ogunte said:
‘I am thrilled to count Susan Aktemel as an Ogunte fellow award winner. Susan is a natural global ambassador for social enterprise. She greatly contributes to putting women from the sector on the map. Her achievements at Impact Arts and her influence on policy at local and national level are exemplary. Susan understands and delivers social impact. And she handles diplomacy and straight talking with grace. A must!’
Click here to read the full press release.