Artists' Mentoring Programme

Artists’ Mentoring Programme

Free artist training programme that harnesses local talent and builds community capacity.


Ages: 18+
Not open for referrals

Wanting to fully utilise your creative skills?

We will support you to have a viable career in creative community engagement practice

The Artists Mentoring Programme is for those who are currently unemployed or under-employed, and focusses on a structured programme of training and hands-on experience in community engagement practice, reaching hundreds of people in local communities via bespoke projects. Artists will also be eligible to receive a travel budget.

After the programme, artists will be equipped with the tools and skills needed to have a viable and sustainable career within participatory and community settings or to support the development of a self-employed portfolio career. Key benefits are the additional one-to-one professional creative and business Mentoring support offered to each trainee, from skilled and respected Mentors, and access to industry contacts and networks.

Programme Outline Image

Programme Outline

A Structured Training Programme

  • 10 artists, 20 community projects, up to 200 community beneficiaries
  • Structured training programme covering a range of subjects including client group awareness; safeguarding; project design, development, marketing and evaluation; personal business skills
  • Supported work experience placements with a range of local community groups
  • Opportunity to develop your own community arts projects
  • Ongoing mentor support from an experienced mentor
  • Access to industry contacts and networks

Artists’ Mentoring Programme Structure


18 bespoke training sessions

Bespoke menu of training covering issues such as working with a range of community groups and supporting specific barriers to engagement and business skills.


16 x 1 to 1 mentoring sessions

Ongoing mentoring & support from established, qualified practitioners who share their skills & experiences.

Work Experience

2 x 8 week community based placements

Action Based learning – creative work experience placements with local communities.