Art Therapy

Art Therapy

Art therapy offers a safe relaxed space for children to express themselves through creativity and play.

Sessions work on the basis that it can be easier to address difficult emotions through art than talking about them directly. In sessions, art therapists offer support and help children get a better understanding of their worries and concerns.

Children can find the process of creating, playing and making relaxing. It can offer relief from any stress or anxiety they may be feeling and it can help with building confidence and coping skills.

Read about our three types of Art Therapy below!

Referrals for North Ayrshire Art Therapy

Please note new referrals for one to one Art Therapy in North Ayrshire are currently paused to reduce the length of waiting time between referral and meeting one of our therapists.

We are still taking referrals for Family Approach and Group Art Therapy.

For more information please contact: [email protected]

One-to-one Art Therapy Image

One-to-one Art Therapy

Over a number of sessions we will work with you in a confidential setting to help you to explore how you are feeling and what might be troubling you.  Perhaps you have experienced changes at home, in school or with friends that you are finding tricky.

We know that it can be sometimes be difficult to put all this down in words.  Working with our fully trained therapist we will support you to find other ways to express and communicate these feelings.  It might be by putting paint on paper, using puppets to tell a story or using drawings to tell others how you feel.

Don’t worry, you don’t need to be an artist, and we don’t ‘mark’ your work.  Instead we use art as a way as exploring the things that can help you.  

Family Approach Image

Family Approach

Family Approach involves a child and their parent or carer in joint sessions with a focus on strengthening their relationship through mutual understanding.

It allows both children and parents and carers to process their own emotions and develop positive coping skills, and for parents and carers to better understand their child’s social and emotional needs.

Therapeutic Group work Image

Therapeutic Group work

Therapeutic Group work is ideal for children who are experiencing difficulties at school or home e.g. difficulty with transitions or engaging with their peers, communication difficulties, bullying, etc.

Small groups of children experiencing similar issues are supported by Art Therapists to build confidence, overcome social difficulties and to learn strategies for regulating behaviours through a series of therapeutic arts sessions. A crucial element of this work is to make sure this is a fun, positive and supportive experience and not a stigmatised ‘therapy’ group.

Meet our Art Therapists