Impact Arts is delighted to present the Fab Pad National Showhomes Exhibition 2011.
*The Fab Pad National Showhomes Exhibition and a live studio demonstration from one of our talented designers appeared on Scottish Television’s “The Hour” programme.You can watch again by clicking here.The feature begins at around 1 minute and 25 seconds in part three.*
Fab Pad is a nationally recognised and proven model for tenancy sustainment and since 1999 the project has supported over 3000 vulnerable tenants in transforming their new tenancies and making their homes more desirable places in which to live. Fab Pad’s unique combination of inspirational and accessible interior design, skills training and employability support has made a significant impact in the reduction of repeat homelessness, and is now being developed as a model of best practice to be replicated across the UK.
Impact Arts, the company behind Fab Pad, has joined forces with a number of key housing association partners in Scotland to highlight and celebrate the potential of how homes can be transformed on a low budget through inspiration, creativity, recycling and hard graft!
The National Showhomes Exhibition was launched on Valentine’s Day in Scotstoun and continues during February and March, with void properties requiring minor refurbishment in Edinburgh, Ayrshire, Govan and Castlemilk being transformed into beautiful homes. The properties will be turned into instantly liveable (and loveable) homes, with new tenants primed to move in. All of the showhomes will be open to the public, housing officers and other agencies for between one and four weeks. Workshops and events will be held in each flat, and as well as providing all those who come along with inspiration and ideas, Fab Pad’s housing partners will be left with instantly lettable homes for new tenants to move in to.
Fab Pad currently works with over 500 people at risk of homelessness each year across 11 local authority areas in Scotland, with new areas being developed for next year across the UK through a unique social franchising model.
Susan Aktemel, Impact Arts’ director and the driving force behind the Fab Pad concept said: “We have been working tirelessly since 1999 to help people who are struggling to cope with new tenancies make homes which they love and want to live in, and have loved every minute of it! Making your house your home is the most important, satisfying thing you can do and is the foundation for everything else in your life. Fab Pad participants across Scotland achieve great things every day, and through this exhibition of showhomes with our housing partners, we are able to show exactly what our talented designers and participants are able to create together. We have proven that we contribute significantly to increased tenancy sustainment and moving into education and employment, and the National Showhomes Exhibition is the perfect way of celebrating this and raising awareness of the impact which Fab Pad has had.”
Charlie Millar, Chief Executive of Cassiltoun Housing Association in Castlemilk, Glasgow went on to add: “Our involvement with Impact Arts has been very positive, not only for the well-being of many vulnerable tenants, but also for us as a business. We have experienced a solid return in terms of investment, especially with tenancy sustainment of young homeless people. Furthermore, our organisations share the same commitment to social justice. I have enjoyed an excellent working relationship with Impact Arts that has led to the development of a committed partnership which will take on more importance as we face changes in welfare reform during these difficult economic times”
A number of partners invest in Fab Pad locally and nationally. National partners include Inspiring Scotland and the Scottish Government. Local partners include Glasgow Housing Association, various local authorities and the Big Lottery Fund.
National Showhomes Exhibition 2011 in partnership with:
Cassiltoun Housing Association
Prospect Housing Association
Govan Housing Association
Whiteinch and Scotstoun Housing Association
Shire Housing Association
Cunninghame Housing Association
Dates and opening times:
Launch – Scotstoun / Whiteinch and Scotstoun Housing Association / 14th February – 18th February 10am – 4pm / Ground Floor 60 Earl Street Scotstoun
Edinburgh – Prospect Housing Association / 21st Feb – 25th Feb 12pm – 5pm / 13/2 Dumbeg Park, Wester Hailes, Edinburgh
Ayrshire – ANCHO /Mon 21st Feb – Fri 4th March 12pm – 5pm / 30 James Crescent, Irvine
Govan – Govan Housing Association / Monday 14th March 12- 5pm – Tuesday 15th March 9am – 5pm, Flat 2/1, 11 Elder Street, Govan
Castlemilk – Cassiltoun Housing Association / Tuesday 15th March – Friday 1st April / 70 Castlemilk Drive
Ayrshire – Shire Housing Association / Mon 21st March – Friday 25th March 12 – 5pm Flat 5, Westgate House, Newmilns.
Cunninghame showhome information to follow.
For further info, photo and interview opportunities, please contact