Young people in North
Ayrshire are making their mark in Irvine, working with artist Ruth Switalski as part of a new block of our
Creative Pathways employability programme!
The group of four – all
aged 16-17 and are looking for opportunities in work, education or training –
have been learning techniques in drawing, mark-making and stop-motion
animation, while getting involved in the planning and preparation of Impact
Arts’ Designed by Disruption event.
The first workshops
saw the group exploring the mark-making potential of various tools and drawing
mediums. Working in ink, graphite, chalk and charcoal, the group produced
collaborative drawings made in response to descriptive words and abstract ideas.
As creative ideas
developed from these initial exercises, workshops began to focus more on moving
image. Looking at the artists like William Kentridge, everybody worked on
single-page stop-motion animation and further explored dynamic,
expressive mark-making.
Planning then began on Designed by Disruption, an Impact Arts event to be held at our premises
in Irvine. Designed by Disruption was
part of the Scottish Government’s Firestarter Festival, which looks at how
creative practitioners and thinkers can help “disrupt” and redesign public services.
The group were excited
to handed the brief for the event. They decided to showcase experimental film
and animation works they had been making, as well as inviting previous
participants Callum (now an Impact Arts Creative Assistant) and Tyler for an “in-conversation”
discussion with artists Ruth and Christine.
The group reflected
on their experiences of the Creative Pathways programme, spoke about how it
differs from school, and what their plans are for the future. It was a
resounding success, with amazing film work and thoughtful, inspirational
discussion about what we do at Impact Arts.
The event also formed
the basis of the Enterprise Activity section of the group’s SQA Employability
Award, which each participant is working towards. The team are now looking at
CV skills, interview skills, portfolio building and their Steps to Work award,
as they prepare for a final showcase event on Wednesday 13th March
2019 – more details to come!
The programme is
funded by Our Bright Future, the National Lottery Community Fund and Skills Development Scotland.