Living Landscapes

Thu 10th December 2015

Impact Arts is delighted to be teaming up with Cumbernauld Living Landscape, partnership project is led by the Scottish Wildlife Trust, North Lanarkshire Council and Forestry Commission Scotland. Cumbernauld Living Landscape’s aim is to enhance, restore and reconnect people with the green areas of the town. Parks, woodlands and gardens are crucial to the well-being of both people and wildlife and should be at the heart of the town’s future.

cumbernauld sites

As part of the Natural Connections project, Impact Arts will work with local people to celebrate the natural heritage sites. The first phase, working with pupils from Cumbernauld’s High Schools started in December. The pupils are working with artists to form a steering group that will engage the wider community in creating ‘Living Widows’, temporary art works that will be placed in three sites across Cumbernauld: Ravenswood
Local Nature Reserve, Cumbernauld Glen and St Maurice’s Pond. The art works will be in place by April 2016.

If you would like to get involved in the project, please contact Natalie McFadyen White on 0141 575 3001.

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