Rebecca joined Creative Pathways in 2019;
Rebecca lives at home with her parents in quite a busy household as she is one of 9 siblings. Rebecca had just turned 16 when she started Creative Pathways. She had been excluded from school and reports that school was not a good environment for her.
“I didn’t used to go to school much, but I like coming here.” – Rebecca
Rebecca displayed a great deal of adaptability during the project. She contributed to various aspects of the film production – constructing the costumes, acting, working with another participant to rehearse a scene to be performed live at the showcase, working with another YP to write and record the soundtrack. She loved working collaboratively with other participants. Her and another participant would isolate themselves from the group in order to concentrate on matching the lyrics to the guitar and was able to ask for help when she needed it. At the start she was struggling to find a melody for her lyrics but was able to work with the creative lead in order to create a personal and quirky tune which fitted well with the music created by anther young person. She persevered and wanted to get better at singing and took on board the advice of the Creative Lead gave her.
(After hearing the song for the first time edited) Creative lead: “You should be proud of yourself.”
Rebecca: “I actually am, that’s amazing I love it!“
Rebecca was supported to take the train for the first time and subsequently started taking the train every morning. This was significant for Rebecca as she had never taken the train before and was very anxious about doing so.
Near the beginning of the project Rebecca had some issues around her communication with others in the group, particularly more introverted young people. We discussed this with Rebecca. She accepted the feedback and made a concerted effort to be more tactful and adapt her approach/ communication to the person and situation. This was not smooth sailing and at times Rebecca had to be reminded about respecting people’s boundaries and appropriate workplace conduct. However, Rebecca continuously took feedback on board and worked on her approach. Towards the end of the project on a number of occasions Jenny (Pastoral Lead) purposely paired Rebecca with members of the group who benefitted from encouragement in a small group and pair work, and it worked really well.
Rebecca was able to encourage participation from peers who weren’t able to share ideas as readily, without taking over.
“I’ve gotten so much better at understanding people’s boundaries!” – Rebecca
Rebecca wants to go to college, she has been considering whether she wants to study performance or social sciences. She’s interested in drama and performance but she also loves working with people. She currently volunteers at a youth club in her local area. She’s now decided she wants to study social sciences and is working on her personal statement. She is much more concisions about the environment and has expressed her will to recycle more at home. During the lockdown she has started to make exercise routines which she shares with her niece in order to keep active.
“I am much more conscious about the environment and every time I am going to throw something into the bin I think about Elina (Creative Lead) and put the recycling into the recycling bin.” – Rebecca