Impact Arts X Step Up to Net Zero

Wed 05th July 2023

Waste Reduction

The Step Up to Net Zero action plan set Impact Arts the mission of reducing general waste volumes and increasing recycling by 10% during the placement. Since the Step Up to Net Zero Coordinators joined Impact Arts, recycled waste increased by 19% and general waste has been reduced by 4%! In May, Impact Arts increased its recycling to 60% of its waste, up by 20% from the previous month!

So how did we achieve a 20% increase in just one month?

5 ways to increase recycling

  1. A Lunch & Learn session – we identified that staff training was crucial in clearly communicating the why and how.
  2. Increased signage and much better labeling on all of our bins – we know people need access to the right information quickly
  3. Reducing how many bins we have. We got rid of all those pesky under desk waste paper bins and now encourage staff to walk to our recycling centres- the screen break is good for your eyes too.
  4. We introduced a compost in our courtyard vegetable garden to reduce food waste.
  5. Our Coordinators invited staff to take part in the very popular Rubbish Quiz!

The overall goal for the future is to reach rates of 80% recycling to 20% general waste. We still have some way to go on the road to Net Zero, but we are on the right track. We are pleased to work with the fantastic recycling provider Changewaste Recycling who support us in recycling and tracking our progress with ease.

With a staff Green Team briefed and ready to take the baton from Cara and Poppy, and as members of the Green Arts Initiative, we’re confident that Impact Arts and the wider arts community will pull together to contribute to a happier, healthier and hopeful future. Thank you to Step Up to Net Zero, Glasgow Chamber of Commerce and Glasgow City Council for this invaluable opportunity. 

 Courtyard Composting

Our Courtyard Compost and just some of the vegetables our staff gardening group has been growing.

Lettuces, radishes, courgettes, tomatoes and cress!

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