Impact Arts Welcomes a New Board Member

Wed 16th April 2014

The team at Impact Arts would
like to extend a warm welcome to the newest member of our Board of Directors,
Lisa Maclean. Formerly Executive Director of INSP, Lisa recently graduated from
the Saltire Foundation’s 8-month entrepreneurship fellowship programme,
studying in Boston, Shanghai and completing a project placement in Aberdeen with
activpayroll. Lisa has recently been appointed Regional Director for Central
Scotland at activpayroll.

Lisa Maclean

Lisa said:

“I’m really looking forward to
joining the Board of Impact Arts – I’ve been familiar with their work since I
was the Executive Director of the charity INSP. My recent work with the Saltire
Foundation has given me a wealth of knowledge and experience that I hope will
be beneficial to the company and I can’t wait to share this with the Board and

Lynne Carr, Chief Executive
Impact Arts said:

“At Impact Arts we pride
ourselves on attracting the best talent – that goes for our tutors, staff and
Board members. Lisa has had an exciting and varied career to date and we’re really
looking forward to the organisation and staff
benefiting from her considerable experience and expertise. ”

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