Adam joined Creative Pathways in 2020, in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, but still managed to complete the course and secure himself a job;
Adam joined Creative Pathways in 2020 hoping to learn new creative skills, develop and commit to a good positive routine, build confidence, meet new people and recognise skills related to employability. He was initially apprehensive about meeting new people and speaking out in the group when he joined our Creative Pathways programme but seemed content to be taking part.
Adam seemed determined to get into a new routine and the group had many opportunities to discuss wellbeing, sleeping patterns, setting alarms as well as spontaneous chats about Creative Pathways being so different from school. By week 4 Adam seemed more at ease within the group, telling us;
“I’m happy and I’ve not been happy for a long time, and I feel I’m getting into a new routine and that’s helping me feel less tired.” – Adam
Adam had 99% attendance and quickly grew to participate fully in all activities, individual creative challenges, group work, employability tasks and SQA units.
Adam worked within a group of 13 young people as a team, he contributed suggestions and thoughts regularly, and was kind, patient and appreciative of his team. He got a lot out of being amongst his peer group and was able to recognise his skills, qualities and talents and sounds optimistic about his future.
Adam sourced and started training for a job at one of the COVID centres following completion of Creative Pathways. He is very proud of what he has achieved and was glad to be starting work. He would also like to go to college and is exploring options relating to photography and film.
“I have to say that Creative Pathways has been an amazing experience. It’s helped me with my confidence. It’s helped me improve on my drawing and photography and its gave me a good routine. If I could replay a moment in life I’d love to do over Creative Pathways, I loved it!” – Adam
“It has been life changing for him. He learnt new skills, built his confidence and achieved a lot of firsts.” – Parent