Hockney, photography & printmaking: Creative Pathways returns to Barrhead!

Thu 13th September 2018

We’re delighted to bring our artistic employability programme Creative Pathways back to Barrhead this month!

Young people working with our artists Rosanna, Portia and Hannah are building their confidence through creative workshops offering a blend of visual art and creative writing tasks, while getting support to find their next steps in employment and education.

We’re two weeks into the programme, and the group
are already putting together an impressive body of work.



They’ve produced a brilliant collaborative interpretation of a David Hockney painting. The group were each given a section to reproduce in their own style with a variety of mediums, showing that what everyone produces individually can come together to literally make up the bigger picture.

They have also learned the basics of
digital photography and taken part in a photographic scavenger hunt. They
created some great photo collages of specific areas in Barrhead and began work
on mini-animations to be continued as the weeks go by. They have also produced beautiful mono-prints and created intricate individual nail-and-yarn art

As well as building their
creative confidence they are developing employability skills through team
games, workshops and individual reflection. This week the team have been recognising
their skills and qualities and how they are relevant to the world of work.



The focus of these first two weeks was
to introduce the young people to many different art forms and ways of creative
thinking. These are skills which they can translate into the next ten weeks of
the project, which will focus on our partnership with Barrhead Housing
Association and the environmental design element of the course.

We still have spaces on this programme which is running until 14th November. The course is open to young people aged 16-25 who are not currently in employment, education or training. If you would like to sign up or make a referral, please contact Impact Arts Programme Manager Jamie Proudfoot on 0141 575 3001 / 07741640417 or email jamie.proudfoot@impactarts.co.uk.

The programme is funded by Our Bright Future, the Big Lottery Fund, Barrhead Housing Association, Inspiring Scotland and the Scottish Government’s People and Communities Fund.

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