Govan Craft Cafe members knit for dementia patients

Fri 24th February 2017

Our older people’s Craft Cafe in Govan this week welcomed the textile artist Deirdre Nelson. Deirdre has created a project for Inverclyde’s Orchard View, a continuing care facility supporting patients with severe dementia.

The project involves knitting dogs to comfort and be companions to those with severe dementia, who will often have very limited mobility. Designed to suit individual patients, the knitted dogs are produced to be in their favourite colours and feature details that connect with the history of their lives.

We have many Craft Cafe members who are keen and accomplished knitters, and they are keen to create work that feeds back into the community and helps those in need – so this was a perfect fit. The knitted dogs they make will be shared between the Orchard View and care homes local to Govan. More to come as knitting begins!

For more information about Impact Arts’ work with older people, please visit our website:

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