Every year our Craft Café Govan members aim to create a number of projects where they make things of use for other charitable causes. They wanted to find small charities and organisations where their gifts could feel more personal and be more useful. Emphasising that Christmas is not just a time for consuming and receiving, but giving and showing kindness.
They chose a local based charity to give to; Amma, for babies and mothers. Amma provide care, information, and advocacy for women who face birth and parenthood alone, and offer birth and postnatal companionship, education and support. They often work with refugee and asylum-seeking women, survivors of human trafficking, and other individuals experiencing multiple disadvantages. The members created personal giftboxes for the parent and baby, with a knitted teddy an item of baby clothing, a hand written card, a lavender bag and a handmade soap. Making twenty-five gift boxes for the charity.
After the success of last years gifts to Florence House care home, they decided to do it again. The members made 20 gift parcels, containing a painting, a copy of their Back Court Concerts booklet, a knitted blanket, a lavender bag and a card. The gifts will go to those residents who are more isolated and do not receive many visitors. The contents of the gift parcels were matched to the tastes and interests of the residents.