Get Involved – New Youth Employability Programme, Edinburgh

Fri 06th November 2015

Creative Pathways: Theatre Arts Employability Programme

creative pathways

Start Date: 6th October 2015 – Tuesday – Friday 9.30am till 4pm

Creative Pathways is aimed at young people aged 16-19 who are not currently involved in education, employment or training. Through the programme, young people are engaged full-time with Impact Arts’ dedicated and inspiring tutors.

Young people can choose between:

Theatre Production – developing skills such as costume, props and soft set design, scenic arts and prosthetic make up. Learning to design, sew, paint and develop characters for stage and screen.

Performance – developing skills such as acting ability, voice projection and stage presence, script writing, leadership, improvisation, devising, and street theatre as well as stage management, lighting and sound.

Impact Arts developed Creative Pathways Theatre Arts in response to opportunities provided by the creative industries within the city. Edinburgh is a festival city, hosting 12 festivals throughout the year. Alongside the festivals, Edinburgh is home to a growing number of creative industries including film, advertisement, animation, music, events and theatre. These industries offer viable routes to employment and Impact Arts’ programme focuses on supporting young people to develop the skills needed to access these opportunities.

  • Open to 16 – 19 year olds
  • Young people will receive £55 a week training allowance and daily bus pass

To refer a young person please contact Sarah Wallace, Opportunities Co-ordinator East. 07977281893.

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