Our Creative Pathways group have been delivering workshops at two Ayrshire Primary School’s.
The group of 16-17 year old’s currently on our Creative Pathways project have been putting the primary school pupils to work creating nature related crafts which the CP team then curated and photographed.
The CP participants spent time drafting lesson plans and testing workshops before going in to the schools. They helped inspire the schools to create art work from nature in an exciting way using sand, collage and lots of different materials that pupils were able to choose from. The school commented; “They all had a brilliant experience and are really looking forward to seeing their work at the station. It makes your visit extra special as it links to real life and public art.”
They recently celebrated their achievements working hard to transform the space at our office in Irvine into an exhibition to showcase what they had been working on. Art work made by the school children during the workshops was on display as well as the final images that are going to be permanently displayed in Dalry Train Station.
Everyone is looking forward for the official unveiling event of the train station panels in April!
Since completing the programme 7 out of 9 participants have applied for college, two have engaged in other Impact Arts projects and several young people have applied for part time jobs. A very well done to everyone!