Creating a healthy planet and a brighter future for Scotland’s young people

Tue 05th October 2021

Over the past 5 years through funding from Our Bright Future & the National Lottery Community Fund, Impact Arts have been running an environmental employability programme for young people across Scotland.

Creative Pathways aims to teach young people about design and environmental art while providing them with invaluable hands-on experience in their local community and inspiring the next generation of environmental leaders.

In doing so, developing their confidence and resilience to
influence decisions at local and national levels. This young, ambitious and
capable movement is ensuring this generation’s voice is heard in the current
debates around environmental improvements and a resource-efficient economy.

Impact Arts have worked with over 60 organisations/artists
over the past 5 years to deliver Creative Pathways, introducing unemployed young
people with little or no experience of environmental issues to nature,
environmental awareness and green skills through practical, creative and fun
projects. As well as building confidence and developing employability skills,
the project has provided a lasting legacy for many local communities by
creating new urban/green spaces.

The Our Bright
programme has also been gathering strong evidence about how
we can support the development of the environment and young people using a
resource efficient and sustainable ‘green’ economy. More than a hundred
organisations have contributed to the wider Our Bright Future movement by
sharing evidence, learning and knowledge helping to inform the choices made at
local, regional, and national levels in the UK.

“Working with partners across Scotland, has allowed us to
give young people the creative skills and practical experience to tackle
environmental challenges and empower them to work towards a brighter future for
themselves and their communities.”,
Fiona Doring, CEO

Over the past 5 years of Creative Pathways Impact Arts has:

  • Engaged with over 600 young people
  • Helped over 350 young people gain an
  • Transformed 15 urbans & green spaces
  • Helped over 400 young people move on to a
    positive destination

Our film, ‘A Tangled Mess of Beauty’ showcases just some of
the work from the past 5 years of our OBF work where you can hear from young
people involved in the programme itself.

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