Craft Café Govan does COP26

Wed 10th November 2021

Letters to the Earth is a global campaign that encourages
everyone to write a letter to their planet, expressing their
emotions in response to the climate emergency.

Its inclusivity is what drew our Craft Café team to the campaign – older people often feel like their voices aren’t
heard, that their experiences of the world aren’t valued and they wanted to show
just how important their voices are. Members have been taking part in workshops encouraging important conversations about
the climate crisis and the Cop26 summit. For many of the members it was a rare
opportunity to be included in these important conversations, where without
judgement they shared their fears about the future; how they find hope; and what one
thing they would change to make the world a better place. The members were
encouraged to write letters to the earth, to an animal, to their grandchildren,
to express these concerns and hopes for the future. One of our members said
that, “I find hope being here around all of you and talking”.

Because of the project’s inclusivity the team knew it would be a
wonderful opportunity to work with other communities and age groups. Our
members participated in these workshops alongside students from the Glasgow
School of Art
, many of whom were from all over the world, and local primary
school children from Pirie Park Primary. One of the Craft Café members at the workshop with
the GSA students said “I find hope in the young ones” as the participants from
the school of art listened, encouraged and shared in these conversations with
our members.

The Pirie Park Primary school children were encouraged to talk
about their favourite animals and places to play in nature and the members
worked with them and encouraged them to draw and write and share their feelings
about the world. Intergenerational work is so important, especially when
addressing issues like the climate crisis. The workshops were a wonderful
sharing of feelings, values and experiences, all of which were listened to and
valued, and the artwork and letters they produced are beautiful.



Members have been making art work out of the letters that are now on display alongside their other COP26 art projects at a shop window on the corner of Crossloan Street and
Uist Street in Govan, next to the Dig In Community Green Grocers. The display of recycled plastic, brings warmth, colour and a talking point for the community to enjoy. We would encourage you to go down and see the window display if you can!

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