Christmas Markets

Mon 30th November 2015

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The members of Craft Café Elderpark have been beavering away for the past month in preparation for some Christmas markets. Workshops have included pressed clay, plaster casting, print-making wrapping paper, sewing and knitting, notebook book design, covers and binding, wood burning and ribbon making… the list goes on!

The next two sales are at Govan Cross on Wednesday 2nd 3-6pm, and Elderpark Community Centre on Wednesday 9th 11-3pm (with mince pies available on the day)!

Meanwhile in Edinburgh…


Here is a preview of Craft Café’s new textiles range! This print was made from a painting by a wonderful lady called Wendy. Using watercolours, she captured a piece which she titled ‘The Surprising Toad’. Wendy’s work inspired the textiles project and it is exciting to see it coming to fruition. Watch this space!

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