A new direction

Thu 23rd December 2010

Creative Pathways is our nationwide 12-24 week creative engagement project working with young people aged 16-18 who were previously not in education, employment or training. Participants are engaged full-time with Impact Arts’ dedicated and inspiring art tutors. Young People can choose between Eco Chic Fashion Freak – fashion and design, HOME – furniture design or Urban Green – landscape gardening to develop artistic and social skills that are transferable into a work setting. They also take part in drama, cultural trips, outward-bound days, team building and retail challenges. Their journey culminates in a high profile final show in a city-centre venue.

Home is our furniture design and recycling project. At Home, we take donated furniture and re-create it, designing and producing something updated, ‘up-cycled’ and beautiful. It may be a similar piece of furniture or something radically different, whatever is suited to the materials. Our highly experienced joinery and design tutors take participants on a journey through the different stages of design and production, including enterprise and retail skills and all our furniture is sold through our Impact Art shops and other retail ventures.

We have opportunities for young people take part in our 12 week programme beginning in January 2011.

Glasgow – 10 places
North Ayrshire – 12 places
Edinburgh – 12 places

Eco-Chic Fashion Freak gives young people the know-how to recycle and re-model their clothes creating something new from something old. Key skills developed include: art and design, sewing, cutting, costume design, manufacture using both recycled and handcrafted techniques, sourcing materials, understanding environmental issues and working within a retail setting.

We have opportunities for young people to take part in our 12 week programme beginning in January 2011.

Glasgow – 10 places
North Ayrshire – 6 places
Edinburgh – 12 places

“Transforming Landscapes Together”Urban Green will give participants the opportunity to work intensively with our specialist artists to create long lasting change within local communities. Participants will consult with the local community and fellow tenants to design and install landscaped green spaces with features of public art. Urban Green is – artistic, environmental, outside, innovative, community transforming.

We have opportunities for young people to take part in our 15 week programme in East Ayrshire from January 2011 and further opportunities in Glasgow from April 2011.

East Ayrshire – 15 places
Glasgow – 8 places

Impact Arts are working in partnership with Project Scotland to offer Creative Pathways to as many young people in the three national areas as possible. Click here to find out more about Project Scotland.


To apply for one of these opportunities please go to the Project Scotland website and apply on line through the summer leavers webpage. Simply enter your postcode in the search box and it will link to your area. Successful applicants will receive weekly travel expenses and access to EMA funding.


Interviews for all projects will take place in early January. Interviews for East Ayrshire Urban Green may be scheduled earlier depending on demand.

If you have any questions please contact Jay Lafferty at Impact Arts. E-mail jay@impactarts.co.uk or call 0131 661 9102 / 07875 068 259.

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